Connect with Fellow AAOHNS Members
- Visit the Humanitarian Forum Community.
- Find academy members worldwide on the AAOHNS Member Directory page.
Connect with Organizations
- AAOHNS/F Humanitarian Database.
- Centers for global surgery or global health have been established at numerous universities. We recommend a web search such as “university center for global health” to find one near you.
General Surgery & Anesthesia
- World Health Organization Emergency and Essential Surgical Care
- Lancet Commission on Global Surgery
- American College of Surgeons
- Alliance for Surgery and Anesthesia Presence
- International Society of Surgery
- Global Partners in Anesthesia and Surgery
NOTE: The foundation’s Humanitarian Efforts Committee created this list to facilitate Academy members’ humanitarian service. The Foundation has no relationship with the organizations, and their inclusion on this site in no way constitutes a recommendation or endorsement. It is up to those who wish to volunteer service to contact the organization(s) of interest for further details.