10 Years of Endoscopic Cholesteatoma Surgery: Our Successes and Failures (2023 AMW)
10/1/23 - 10/2/26 ($55.00)Endoscopic Cholesteatoma Surgery has gained increasing acceptance for its minimally invasive transcanal approach, its intent to eradicate the disease while preserving the mastoid and its role in restoring a more physiological middle ear ventilation system. This course is intended as a comprehensive summary of two
#what 5.0: Social Media in Otolaryngology: A Practical Guide (2023 AMW)
10/1/23 - 10/2/26 ($55.00)The fifth year of the well-received Social Media in Otolaryngology panel will feature a more practical focus. New this year will be Jim Ruckart, a social media professional hired by the Wake Forest otolaryngology department. He will discuss how his role was recruited and
A Case-Based Approach to Vertigo and Balance Disorders in Children (2023 AMW)
10/1/23 - 10/2/26 ($55.00)As an attendee you will be guided through a case-based approach to the most common and most challenging presentations of vertigo and balance disorders in children. This will cover the spectrum of disease from migraine disorders, concussion, persistent perceptual postural dizziness (PPPD) and inner
A Practical Guide to Repairing Rhinologic Cerebrospinal Fluid Leaks (2023 AMW)
10/1/23 - 10/2/26 ($55.00)There is a broad spectrum of sinonasal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak repairs that range from spontaneous, to iatrogenic, to straightforward transphenoidal post-operative cases. While there have been a number of different descriptions on repair techniques, we would like to provide a step-by-step
A Primer for Assessing Your Clinical Practice Using Quality Improvement (2023 AMW)
10/1/23 - 10/2/26 ($55.00)To build sufficient capability and capacity in quality improvement (QI), otolaryngology providers must be proficient in its key principles, yet it can be difficult to obtain training due to time and resource constraints. This panel presentation will provide a high-intensity introduction to QI, including
A Sustainable Future for Otolaryngology (2023 AMW)
10/1/23 - 10/2/26 ($55.00)Climate change is a global public health emergency with well-documented effects on disease development, access to health care and health outcomes. Without reductions in current greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the World Health Organization estimates that 250,000 deaths per year from 2030 to 2050
A to Z of Parotid Tumors: All Controversies Answered (2023 AMW)
10/1/23 - 10/2/26 ($55.00)This is a one-hour comprehensive course on the management of Parotid tumors from initial presentation to treatment. This will be a step by step guide to the important steps in the management of parotid tumors including important aspects of history and physical examination to
Making Sense of Reflux Testing (2023 AMW)
10/1/23 - 10/2/26 ($55.00)“I still don’t know what to do with my LPR patients who don’t respond to acid blockers.” This is a common problem facing many otolaryngologists. Due to the lack of availability of and lack of a widespread understanding of what test is
16th Annual Academic Bowl: Champions Tournament (2023 AMW)
10/1/23 - 10/2/26 ($55.00)The Academic Bowl this year will be a "Champions Tournament" inviting four top winning otolaryngology residency programs to return to the event to compete once more! This popular annual event is designed to foster a spirit of competition in a clinically-oriented battle of the