Position Statement: Laryngopharyngeal Reflux
September 23, 2021Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) occurs when gastric contents (acid and enzymes such as pepsin) flow in a retrograde fashion and contact the tissues of the upper aerodigestive tract. LPR may be associated with chronic sore throat, hoarseness, frequent throat clearing, cough, globus sensation, refractory asthma, laryngeal…
Position Statement: In-Office Photoangiolytic Laser Treatment of Laryngeal Pathology
September 23, 2021Photoangiolytic laser treatment, which is typically performed in an office or ambulatory setting under local or topical anesthesia with a flexible fiberoptic laryngoscope, is an established surgical treatment that is indicated for management of laryngeal pathologies including, but not limited to, vascular ectasias, polyps…
Position Statement: Flexible Endoscopic Examinations of Swallowing (FEES)
September 23, 2021Flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) is a diagnostic procedure used to evaluate velopharyngeal, phonatory, and swallowing functions in adults and children. This study allows for assessment of the anatomy as well as direct observation of swallowing function and control of the movement of secretions…
Position Statement: Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
September 23, 2021Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a medical disorder with major personal and public health consequences that may fail treatment using non-invasive modalities such as positional therapy, weight loss, positive airway pressure (PAP) and mandibular advancement devices. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) is a valid and…
Position Statement: Midline Glossectomy for OSA
September 23, 2021Midline partial glossectomy is an effective surgical modality for the treatment of select pediatric and adult patients with mild to severe obstructive sleep apnea with significant macroglossia. Midline partial glossectomy can either be performed as a stand-alone procedure or as part of multi-level…
Position Statement: Tongue Suspension
September 23, 2021When behavioral, dietary, and non-invasive techniques fail, surgery plays a vital role in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea, despite the fact that it may not completely eliminate or cure the syndrome. Ultimately the treating physician has the responsibility to council patients on the…
International Surgical Sleep Society COVID-19 Adult and Pediatric Practice Guidelines
September 23, 2021As of March 2020, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused unprecedented, worldwide disruption in patient care, including the management of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Members of the International Surgical Sleep Society (ISSS) represent a unique group of OSA specialists providing surgical treatment of adult…
Position Statement: Utilization Review
September 23, 2021Utilization review companies must be registered in the state in which the review will be done. Guidelines used for making reviews should be available to those physicians. Individuals conducting reviews should be board certified in those specialties they are reviewing, and practice within the same…
Position Statement: Submucosal Ablation of the Tongue Base for OSAS
September 23, 2021Adult patients with mild to severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can be successfully treated with submucosal radiofrequency tongue base ablation.(Powell 1999 and refs below) The majority of studies demonstrating effectiveness of tongue base submucosal radiofrequency ablation (RFA) have been performed in patients with mild…
Position Statement: Use of the Term "Doctor" in Advertising and Patient Communications
September 23, 2021With the emergence of the clinical doctorate degree in allied healthcare fields including nursing, audiology, and speech-language pathology, allied healthcare providers who have achieved their doctorate degrees are increasingly using the title of Doctor in their practice settings, advertisements, and other patient communications.Since…
Position Statement: Nasal Surgery and OSAS
September 23, 2021Nasal surgery is a beneficial modality for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Nasal surgery can facilitate the treatment of OSA by improving compliance with CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). There is significant correlation between nasal resistance or obstruction and CPAP non-acceptance where…
Position Statement: Use of Animals in Research
September 23, 2021The American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery recognizes the use of animals in research has enabled many of the medical and surgical treatments now available to the field of otolaryngology and surgery of the head and neck. The AAO-HNS support the judicious…
Position Statement: Scope of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
September 23, 2021The American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery agrees with the policy of the American Medical Association that surgeons should be allowed to do all procedures for which they are qualified by training and experience. Otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeons are, by training…
Position Statement: Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke
September 23, 2021Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the world. The negative health effects of the use of tobacco products represent a global pandemic of enormous proportions. Ear, nose and throat manifestations of second-hand tobacco exposure include, but are not limited to, significant…
Position Statement: Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis and Gardasil Vaccination
September 23, 2021Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) is characterized by recurrent papillomatous lesions that grow primarily on the vocal folds but may involve other parts of the upper airway.(1-2) This disease can affect both children and adults.(1-2) Although it is a benign disease, malignant…
Position Statement: Patient Physician Covenant
September 23, 2021(Modified from the Journal of the American Medical Association, May 17, 1995) Medicine is, at its center, a moral enterprise grounded in a covenant of trust. This covenant obliges physicians to be competent and to use their competence in the patient's best interests…
Position Statement: Industry Representatives in the Operating Room
September 23, 2021When the presence of an industry representative is necessary, helpful, or confers an educational benefit in this setting, the otolaryngologist and industry representative have certain responsibilities to the patient and staff in the Operating Room or Procedure Room (collectively referred to as the “OR” in…
Position Statement: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination for Prevention of HPV-Related Oropharyngeal Cancer
September 23, 2021Over the past three decades, there has been a clear decrease in the prevalence of tobacco use in the United States and an associated decline in tobacco‐related head and neck cancers.1 The incidence of Human Papillomavirus (HPV)‐related oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC…