IAB Chair Elect – Call for Nominees

CALL FOR NOMINEES –  2025 IAB Chair-Elect!

Application Submission Deadline: April 1, 2024

The AAO-HNS is calling for nominees for the 2025 Chair-Elect of the International Advisory Board (IAB). The appointment is for a one-year term after which he/she shall become Chair of the IAB and serve a 1-year term. The IAB is the “voice” of the Academy’s global community of otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeons and works to promote the highest standards in clinical care worldwide through collaboration to advance education, research, and communication.

Nominees must be international members of the AAO-HNS/F.  Candidates must have held membership for the past three consecutive years, have proven leadership qualities, be familiar with the strategic direction of the Academy, and be able to dedicate the necessary time to serve.  Candidates must either self-nominate or be nominated by a colleague and/or associate.

The election will be held at the AAO-HNSF 2024 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience in Miami, Florida, September 28-October 1, 2024.  The nominee receiving the majority of votes will be elected as the Chair-Elect.

Completed nomination/application packet must include:

  • Nominee Application
  • Personal Statement – 750 words maximum. One-page personal statement detailing credentials, experiences, achievement, and any other relevant
    information that demonstrates commitment to the specialty, to include a vision statement for the IAB and global otolaryngology.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) – Three (3) page maximum.
  • Recommendation Letter(s) – A minimum of (1) recommendation letter is REQUIRED from a professional associate who can speak to nominee’s professional and/or scientific achievements and can attest to the nominee’s personal background and character.
  • Color Photo (minimum 300dpi)
  • AAO-HNS Financial and Intellectual Disclosure Form
    Access online at: www.entnet.org/content/disclosure. Contact [email protected] for a copy of your current disclosure report. Report must indicate a date of April 1, 2024 or later.

Submit your application and supporting documentation to [email protected] by the April 1, 2024 deadline.


Position Description for:

AAO-HNS/F Chair-Elect, International Advisory Board (IAB)

Election and Term of Office:

The position of IAB Chair-Elect shall be elected by the voting members/delegates of the IAB for a one-year term. The election is held at the fall IAB General Assembly meeting in conjunction with the AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO ExpoSM.

The Chair-Elect will be elected by popular vote of the IAB General Assembly from a slate of candidates selected by the International Steering Committee. All candidates must complete and submit an application and have a recent disclosure on file.

Upon the close of the IAB Chair’s term, or if the Chair is unable to fulfill his/her term of office, the Chair-Elect shall become Chair for the remainder of that Chair’s term followed by his/her one-year term as Chair.

Specific Duties of the Position:

The IAB Chair-Elect serves as a member of the International Steering Committee. He/she is expected to participate in scheduled meetings throughout the year, and to attend the IAB General Assembly meeting in the fall.

After serving as Chair-Elect for one year, the Chair-Elect he/she will then serve a one-year term as Chair of the IAB and assumes all responsibilities outlined in the Chair, IAB position description below.

Position Description 

AAO-HNS/F Chair, International Advisory Board (IAB)

Term of Office:

The IAB Chair shall assume office after serving as the Chair-elect for one year and shall serve a one-year term of office. After serving the one-year term of office, the Chair serves as Immediate Past Chair for a one-year term on the IAB Executive Committee.

Role/Authority (as specified in the bylaws of the organization):

The IAB Chair participate as a non-voting member of the Board of Directors in an advisory role, representing issues and concerns of the international community as defined in the bylaws and in accordance with the indemnification of its directors and officers.

The Chair may be asked to participate, as assigned by the President, on standing, special, or ad hoc committees of the organization.

Specific Duties of the Position:

As AAO-HNSF’s representative of the international community, he/she will oversee all constitutive bodies of the IAB, serving as its official and only spokesperson.  The IAB chair leads the AAO-HNSF International Advisory Board strategy in support of AAO-HNS/F mission to empower otolaryngologists-head and neck surgeons to provide the best patient care.  The IAB chair is charged with representing the interests non-U.S. members of the AAO-HNS/F, in addition to physicians who comprise the International Corresponding Society (ICS) Network.

The ideal candidate will possess an innovative and thoughtful perspective on the education needs of international members and be able to use that perspective to advise and work with the AAO-HNSF Coordinator for International Affairs to grow collaboration and raise the profile of the Academy overseas.

Listed below are five key initiatives of the Global Affairs program.  The IAB Chair will work with the AAO-HNSF Coordinator for International Affairs to lead and support activities associated with these initiatives:

1)   Global education opportunities – including the AAO-HNSF Global Grand Rounds

2)  Scholarships and grants

3)   AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO Expo – including AAO-HNSF International Symposium, IAB General Assembly, other international meetings and events

4)  International Corresponding Society (ICS) Network

5)  AAO-HNSF Joint Meetings

As a non-voting member of the Board of Directors in an advisory role, the IAB Chair will

  • Attend Boards of Directors Meetings:

– 1-day meeting to be held in January (virtual attendance)

– 1-day meeting held prior to start of Annual Meeting (in-person attendance required)

– Board Strategic Planning and Board meetings held in Q1 (optional for IAB Chair)

  • Participate on conference calls or other meetings as required


Please email [email protected].

AAO-HNSF 2024 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO Early Registration Ends July 31Learn More